The CLF Laughter Lounge with The Legendary Mark Thomas (Live) + Special Guests

The CLF Laughter Lounge with The Legendary Mark Thomas (Live) + Special Guests in London on 24 April 2025
The CLF Laughter Lounge with The Legendary Mark Thomas (Live) + Special Guests in London on 24 April 2025
Thursday, April 24, 2025, 1900 - 2300
COMEDY SPECIAL WITH THE LEGENDARY MARK THOMAS (LIVE)! Thu Apr 24 (7pm-11pm) - Time to laugh harder folks, as COLLYWOBBLERS COMEDY CLUB presents their bi-monthly edition of THE CLF LAUGHTER LOUNGE. This month raucous stand up session featuring a stunning line to truly laugh for, headlined by the absolutely Legendary MARK THOMAS (LIVE) - alongside some of the UK's finest and funniest comedians - Including CHRIS READ, IBS SESAY, MARTINA 'O SULLIVAN, CHIPO AND MC SION JAMES. The guffaws erupting deep in our intimate speakeasy lounge all eve long at The CLF Art Lounge and Roof Garden.

Prepare to laugh harder y’all!

We have a fantastic line up of comedy talent for you including the legend that is MARK THOMAS, the UK's finest political comedian , probably best known for the political stunts as performed on his cult Channel 4 show, The Mark Thomas Comedy Product and BBC Radio 4 Manifesto shows, CHRIS REID - Comedian, Jazz Lover, Songwriter and one half of globetrotting musical comedy duo ‘Harry and Chris’ (The Russell Howard Hour, Bring The Funny) has written songs for Disney and Netflix. 'Musical genius' (Russell Howard). 'Fantastic' (Evening Standard), IBS SESAY - rising star and competition finalist, South London raised promising newbie now based in the Shires - CHIPO, South London based Irish comedian MARTINA 'O SULLIVAN providing the lols, all hosted by your cheeky charming MC SION JAMES.

Spacious cool venue with amazing roof terrace for pre and post show drinks.

Food is available, Seating reserved from 7pm onwards.

Please arrive early for pre comedy dining and or drinks:

The CLF Laughter Lounge
Runs: Bi Monthly
(check website for details)
Doors + Food: From 5pm, Seating from 7pm
Acts on stage: 830pm - 11pm (5 live sets)
Entry: £10/12.50 Adv £20 OTD (subject to availability)
Booking Recommended
(Bookings for 2, 4 or 6) For reservations Info please contact or text 07734805817

Walk-Ins welcome!

#CLFLaughterLounge #Peckham #StandUp #LiveComedy #CollywobblersComedyClub #MarkThomas #ChrisRead #IbsSesay #Chipo #MartinaOSullivan #McSionJames

As always gonna be a truly laugh out loud affair.

See you deep inside and up on the roof



Don't miss chance to see South London and the UK's finest political comedian, none other than the legendary Mark Thomas!

Mark Thomas is widely recognized as one of the boldest and the most uncompromising comedians in the last thirty years, who has had no qualms in combining comedy with political activism. The UK's finest political comedian,his frequent clashes with politicians have helped establish his reputation as a headstrong individual and as a powerful comedian/political activist.

Probably best known for the political stunts as performed on his cult Channel 4 show, The Mark Thomas Comedy Product , cult BBC Radio comedy show The Mary Whitehouse Experience , BBC Radio 4 Manifesto shows and his many award winning touring theatre shows. Mark won 8 awards for performing, 3 for human rights work and 1 he invented for himself.

“Thomas is a terrific performer and raconteur, and he has the gift of making an instant community out of a group of strangers.” – The Guardian

“The show will still leave even the most laissez-faire Thatcherite Tory with food for thought and a reminder as to how deep the scars of that era run.” – The Telegraph

“You’ll leave recommitted to the fight against this appalling authoritarian government, to keep that tradition alive.”
– The Guardian


Comedian, Jazz Lover, Songwriter and one half of globetrotting musical comedy duo ‘Harry and Chris’ (The Russell Howard Hour, Bring The Funny) has written songs for Disney and Netflix. 'Musical genius' (Russell Howard). 'Fantastic' (Evening Standard).


London based comedian who is always flirting on the lines of smart and stupid. Three-time Max Turner Prize finalist, Winner of Black Out 2025 Best in Class 2024 LST new comedian finalist 2024 Max Turner runner-up. 2022 Stand up Club Comp Finalist


Born and raised in South East London but graduating to the Shires Chipo has seen it all and can't wait to tell it how it is. She is Ruthlessly honest and relatable! high energy and just so much fun.


South East London based new Irish comedian brings her own blend of Irish comedy sunshine to Peckham


"Utterly charming ... Lovable giant' Time Out London

Artists listed are correct at time of going to press, in the unlikely event that an act needs to cancel we reserve the right to amend the line up without notice and no refunds will be due. We will endeavour to bring back that artist to this venue in the future.


Category: Arts | Performing Arts | Comedy

Early Bird: GBP 10.00,
General Admission: GBP 12.50

Artists: Mark Thomas, Chris Read, Ibs Sesay, Martina O’Sullivan, Chipo, MC Sion James
Starting Price Per Person
£ 10.00 GBP
Other Information
The CLF Art Lounge and Roof Garden
4a Station Way
London England SE15 4RX
United Kingdom
( Bar - Nightclub - Pub )

Event Organizer Contact
Mickey Smith
020 7635 2585
More Events
Event ID: 248247

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