Summer at The Robert Fuller gallery

Summer at The Robert Fuller gallery in Thixendale on 12 July 2024
Summer at The Robert Fuller gallery in Thixendale on 12 July 2024
Friday, July 12, 2024, 0900 - 1630
Celebrate summer with a visit to acclaimed wildlife artist Robert E Fuller's Yorkshire gallery from 12th July to the 31st August
Admire exquisite paintings and sculptures inspired by the wildlife of the Yorkshire Wolds, from graceful barn owls to secretive brown hares. Live cameras relaying footage from inside the nests of owls, kestrels and stoats add to the experience and there are wildlife films to watch with friendly staff serving free coffee. There is also a shop for unique momentos.
With kites soaring in the skies above, hares or even stoats dashing across the road as you approach, the inspiration behind wildlife artist Robert E Fuller's exquisite paintings is clear


Category: Exhibitions
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
The Robert Fuller Gallery Ltd
Fotherdale Farm
Thixendale Malton YO17 9LS
United Kingdom
( Gallery )

Event Organizer Contact
Victoria Fuller
+44 1759 368355
More Events
Event ID: 236821

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