HUGE Multi-Family Garage Sale - Jackson Park Highlands - Saturday, June 1st, 10 AM - 4 PM
Saturday, June 1, 2024, 1000 - 1600
Drop by this historic neighborhood where 30 homes will participate in their annual community-wide yard sale. You are sure to find a treasure trove of items such as clothing, purses, jewelry, shoes, baby items, toys, furniture, books, small appliances, electronics, tools, household goods, vintage knick-knacks and much, much more. There is something for everyone and great prices on everything!
Category: Community | Garage / Yard Sales
Category: Community | Garage / Yard Sales
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
Jackson Park Highlands
Illinois 60649
United States
( Woods - Nature - Seaside )
Illinois 60649
United States
( Woods - Nature - Seaside )
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Event ID: 235002
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