FXBG Torch Club Mtg W, 2/28@5:30 PM presents Peter Michael: The Great Explorer @ The Alpine Chef

FXBG Torch Club Mtg W, 2/28@5:30 PM presents Peter Michael: The Great Explorer @ The Alpine Chef in Fredericksburg on 28 February 2024
FXBG Torch Club Mtg W, 2/28@5:30 PM presents Peter Michael: The Great Explorer @ The Alpine Chef in Fredericksburg on 28 February 2024
Wednesday, February 28, 2024, 1730 - 1930
FXBG Torch Club meets Wed, 2/28@5:30 PM @ The Alpine Chef for local history featuring: Adventure, Romance, and Mystery!
About our Presentation:
Join us to hear Peter Hanson Michael speak on "The Great Explorer," who was born into a royal Swiss Roman Catholic family, became a stalwart of Virginia Colonial Governors, founded about a half dozen New World colonies for the religious refugees, and died in the Fredericksburg area while serving former Governor Spotswood. RSVP to Lynn Bernard @ FXBGVATorch@gmail.com.
Join us, and forward this invitation to invite family, friends, and colleagues to our February meeting. Enjoy The Alpine Chef's usual fine German cuisine and beverages. Vegetarian and vegan options are available on request.
To guarantee seating, reply to: Lynn @ 804-263-0721 / FXBGVATorch@gmail.com.
5:30 PM Happy Hour/Cash Bar
6:15 PM Business Mtg.
6:30 PM Free Presentation w/QandA:The Great Explorer by Peter Hanson Michael via Zoom
7:00 PM Dutch Treat Dinner

About our Speaker:
Peter Michael's latest book, First Explorer, was awarded the 2023 eLit Prize in Biography. First Explorer tells of the life of the author's ancestor, Francis Michael, who in 1704 became the first European to explore beyond the Atlantic coast and into the Appalachians. This exploration, which opened the Atlantic piedmont and Appalachia to settlement, took him through Loudoun County. The explorer then spent the rest of his career rescuing thousands of European religious and war refugees and relocating them to six colonies that he created for them in America, two of them in Virginia.
Mr. Michael's Running on Empty: Along an Epic 12,000-Mile Road Trip America Has Its Say on Economic Inequality, was awarded a gold medal in political and economic affairs, and a national book prize for travel essays.
He also authored Remembering John Hanson: A Biography of the First President of the Original United States Government, his best-seller which was awarded two national book prizes in biography.
Peter Michael is a graduate of the University of Maryland, Berkeley, and Princeton. He and his wife live at Cooling Springs, a Maryland historic site founded in 1768 by a son of the explorer.

About Our Venue:
Martini Midwoch features $7 specialty Martinis on Wednesdays starting this month, Who knows what other surprises Chef Jannec may have for us when we meet in the Stube Room.

Category: Community | History
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
The Alpine Chef
200 Lafayette Boulevard
Fredericksburg Virginia 22401
United States
( Multi-Purpose Events Venue )

Event Organizer Contact
Lynn Bernard
More Events
Event ID: 230783

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