Expungement Clinic

Expungement Clinic in Martinsville on 12 July 2024
Expungement Clinic in Martinsville on 12 July 2024
Friday, July 12, 2024, 1100 - 1600
Criminal records can prevent you from obtaining housing, employment, educational opportunities, and other necessities. If you meet certain criteria, you have an opportunity to ease these obstacles by registering for the Martinsville Expungement Clinic on July 12, 2024 from 11:00AM-4PM—New College Institute
Baldwin Building, 191 Fayette Street,
Martinsville, VA 24112–and get eligible charges off your record.

Eligible records must be non-convictions: dismissals, acquittals, or nolle prosses. Charges must be from Martinsville City.

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Please fill out the registration form found here:


If you do not pre-register, please bring Warrant of Arrest, Summons, or Indictment and Final Disposition Order.

Some attendees may qualify for free filing. If you do not qualify for free filing, filing fees to open expungement cases will be covered on a first-come, first serve basis while funds last.

This Expungenent Clinic is powered by Legal Aid Justice Center, Nolef Turns, New Virginia Majority, The Expungement Council, and Justice Forward Virginia.

For more information about expungement, new record sealing laws taking effect in 2025, or to find an Expungement Information Session or Expungement Clinic near you, visit: https://www.justice4all.org/what-we-do/criminal-legal-system/expungement/

Category: Community | Local / Community
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
New College Institute Baldwin Building
191 Fayette Street
Martinsville Virginia 24112
United States
( College - School - Training Center )

Event Organizer Contact
Justice Forward Virginia
More Events
Event ID: 236698

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