Closest To The Pin
Friday, March 28, 2025, 1200 - 2000
Test your skills with this weekly competition at the Golf Simulator in The Village! Competitors get a chance to win on 3 holes with 3 shots on each hole. It’s only $5 cash to compete and no RSVP is required, simply walk up to the Golf Simulator if it isn’t in use and see if you can win a round of golf at The Osprey Meadows Golf Course in 2025!
How do you win?
You got closest to the pin on each hole
You got closest to the pin average on all holes
Winners are announced weekly on Monday’s via our social media channels and email. Course and holes will be chosen by our golf staff each week.
Category: Sports / Leisure | Golf
How do you win?
You got closest to the pin on each hole
You got closest to the pin average on all holes
Winners are announced weekly on Monday’s via our social media channels and email. Course and holes will be chosen by our golf staff each week.
Category: Sports / Leisure | Golf
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
Tamarack Resort
311 Village Drive
Donnelly Idaho 83615
United States
( Hotel - Resort )
311 Village Drive
Donnelly Idaho 83615
United States
( Hotel - Resort )
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Event ID: 246329
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