4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation

4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation in KOTA BANDUNG on 16 April 2025
4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation in KOTA BANDUNG on 16 April 2025
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 -- Thursday, April 17, 2025, 0900 - 1700
4th ICMRSI is an academic conference organized by Universitas Persada Y.A.I. and and Research Synergy Foundation. This conference aims to provide opportunities for academics and professionals across countries from various fields of science and technology to disseminate research that is being and has been carried out. The 4th ICMRSI also strives in facilitating the output in the form of articles to be published in several international journals, and enriching research culture within Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I. in particular and universities in Indonesia in general while expanding networks and collaborations with other researchers from various disciplines and from various parts of the world

This conference aims to:

Provide opportunities for academics and professionals across countries from various fields of science and technology to disseminate research that is being and has been carried out.
Facilitating the output in the form of articles to be published in several international journals.
Enriching research culture within Universitas Persada Indonesia in particular and universities in Indonesia in general while expanding networks and collaborations with other researchers from various disciplines and from various parts of the world.
We invite all researchers, lecturers, students, practitioners and academicians to gather in this conference to exchange and share their thought and finding in various spectrums in the field of Management Studies and Social Science.

This conference not only give you global forum to share and exchange idea, research, and work. But also, provide wider network and research ecosystem for further collaboration and projects. We are glad to share this good opportunities in the scientific community, that will be offered ONLY for all participants who participate/ attend the conference.
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
Virtual Zoom Platform
No 31 Jl Nyaman
KOTA BANDUNG Indonesia 40291
( Multi-Purpose Events Venue )

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Event ID: 247069

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