2025 Annual Drive Thru Prayer Conference (DTP)
Monday, April 7, 2025 -- Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 1600 - 1200
2nd Annual Drive Thru Prayer Conference is a three-day event centered around the global Drive Thru Prayer (DTP) and Walk Thru Prayer (WTP) Ministry. The conference is being held April 7th-9th. Monday, April 7th from 4: P.M to 6 P.M. Tuesday, April 8th, 8:00 A.M. until noon. It is being held at Trinity Baptist Church. This conference is not only for DTP/WTP site members and those who wish to grow a DTP/WTP ministry, but for anyone wishing to grow their own personal prayer life. Insightful sessions include, "#Blessed", "How to Carry Heavy Loads Well", and "The Ones God Uses to Change the World" to name a few. Casa Grande Mayor Lisa Fitzgibbons will present the welcome and the Pinal County Sheriff's Posse will be presenting a session on Crisis Intervention. All materials and meals included. You will also be encouraged by soul-reaching worship music, breakout sessions and success stories from DTP/WTP sites. "As one young man said to us when he pulled in, "I drove by and pulled into the parking lot of the business up the street. I said to myself, 'I need prayer. They are praying for people. What am I doing here?’ So, I turned around and I am asking you to pray for me."
Casa Grande, Eloy, and Arizona City host WTP/DTP on Monday through Saturday at area churches that are part of the ministry family. Moreover, we have churches in Mexico, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington among the growing WTP/DTP Network! We have also recently expanded into South America, with Ecuador launching its first sites. DTP currently have 21 sites across the globe with more sites being added monthly. We live in a culture where many people are simply not interested in attending church. Though not motivated to walk into a church building, they still have needs. In fact, many of them have urgent and immediate prayer requests. The challenge is to meet them, hear their hearts and pray for them. DTP/WTP teams offer prayer to motorist and others in a drive-thru style. It is an opportunity for the community to pull into a church parking lot, share their prayer request and have someone pray for them, then they are on their way. Roughly 80% of people who stop by for prayer are unchurched. This is a great way to reach your community for Christ a few hours one morning a week.
This is an exciting ministry that by God's grace is bearing incredible spiritual fruit. We believe that as churches launch DTP/WTP, they will realize what we have been saying all along...prayer is one of the most effective evangelism strategies given to us by the Lord! When we introduce our problems to God's power, people see that God truly does exist! In this way, this ministry could be part of a revival in America!. The Walk Thru Prayer (WTP) and Drive Thru Prayer (DTP) vision is having one WTP/DTP site for every 10,000 people worldwide. This means that by 2050 we envision 800,000 WTP/DTP sites globally! At that point, the WTP/DTP Prayer Warriors will be praying for 400 million people every year. By 2070 our goal is to specifically pray for every single person on the planet at least once!
The conference is being held at 1100 E Trinity Place, Casa Grande, AZ. Follow them on Facebook: Drive Thru Prayer, Instagram #GLOBALDTP, and YouTube: Drive Thru Prayer: Arizona. Register at drivethruprayer.com or email info@drivethruprayer.com. Scholarships are available. On the website, you can also watch sessions from the 2024 DTP conference, as well as learn how to start your own DTP program. See you at the conference!
Facebook: https://go.evvnt.com/2947827-2?pid=2874
Category: Community | Religion and Spirituality | Religion
Casa Grande, Eloy, and Arizona City host WTP/DTP on Monday through Saturday at area churches that are part of the ministry family. Moreover, we have churches in Mexico, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington among the growing WTP/DTP Network! We have also recently expanded into South America, with Ecuador launching its first sites. DTP currently have 21 sites across the globe with more sites being added monthly. We live in a culture where many people are simply not interested in attending church. Though not motivated to walk into a church building, they still have needs. In fact, many of them have urgent and immediate prayer requests. The challenge is to meet them, hear their hearts and pray for them. DTP/WTP teams offer prayer to motorist and others in a drive-thru style. It is an opportunity for the community to pull into a church parking lot, share their prayer request and have someone pray for them, then they are on their way. Roughly 80% of people who stop by for prayer are unchurched. This is a great way to reach your community for Christ a few hours one morning a week.
This is an exciting ministry that by God's grace is bearing incredible spiritual fruit. We believe that as churches launch DTP/WTP, they will realize what we have been saying all along...prayer is one of the most effective evangelism strategies given to us by the Lord! When we introduce our problems to God's power, people see that God truly does exist! In this way, this ministry could be part of a revival in America!. The Walk Thru Prayer (WTP) and Drive Thru Prayer (DTP) vision is having one WTP/DTP site for every 10,000 people worldwide. This means that by 2050 we envision 800,000 WTP/DTP sites globally! At that point, the WTP/DTP Prayer Warriors will be praying for 400 million people every year. By 2070 our goal is to specifically pray for every single person on the planet at least once!
The conference is being held at 1100 E Trinity Place, Casa Grande, AZ. Follow them on Facebook: Drive Thru Prayer, Instagram #GLOBALDTP, and YouTube: Drive Thru Prayer: Arizona. Register at drivethruprayer.com or email info@drivethruprayer.com. Scholarships are available. On the website, you can also watch sessions from the 2024 DTP conference, as well as learn how to start your own DTP program. See you at the conference!
Facebook: https://go.evvnt.com/2947827-2?pid=2874
Category: Community | Religion and Spirituality | Religion
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
Trinity Southern Baptist Church
1100 East Trinity Place
Casa Grande Arizona 85122
United States
( Religious - Church - Temple )
1100 East Trinity Place
Casa Grande Arizona 85122
United States
( Religious - Church - Temple )
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Event ID: 248474
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