Hawaii Heart - Echocardiography and Multimodality Imaging

Hawaii Heart - Echocardiography and Multimodality Imaging in Waimea on 04 February 2024
Hawaii Heart - Echocardiography and Multimodality Imaging in Waimea on 04 February 2024
Sunday, February 4, 2024 -- Friday, February 9, 2024, 1300 - 1200
An expert faculty will discuss the relevant advances in techniques and the limitations of each modality. Lectures will provide a comprehensive state-of-the-art update of the clinical uses of various imaging modalities in the diagnosis, prognosis, and management of common cardiovascular diseases. A clinical case-based format will be used to highlight practice dilemmas and key management strategies.

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Optional Workshop
This hands-on ultrasound workshop combines short live lectures and real-time practice on live models to introduce you to the bedside application of portable ultrasound for nephrology practice. POCUS is rapidly becoming a commonplace bedside tool to improve timeliness and accuracy in internal medicine. Whether you are a physician, NP, or PA, this workshop seeks to provide the outpatient or inpatient nephrology provider with the fundamental knowledge and skills to incorporate POCUS into your practice.

Registration: USD 999.00

Speakers: Heidi connolly, garvan kane, sorin pislaru

Category: Conferences | Science, Health and Medicine | CME (Continuing Medical Education)
Starting Price Per Person
$ 999.00 USD
Other Information
Fairmont Orchid Hawaii
1 North Kaniku Drive
Waimea Hawaii 96743
United States
( Hotel - Resort )

Event Organizer Contact
Char Tri
More Events
Event ID: 220143

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